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Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay

Watercolour Size 54 x 36 cms
The old historic quarter The Barrio Historico is under Unesco World Heritage. A quaint litttle township and well worth the visit by ferry from Buenos Aires.
This watercolour is a combination of 3 photos - each photo had something which I loved -  be it the little pottery dolls in the window of an Art Gallery, the old timers, the rustic chair and a table, the weathered walls on the dwellings or the uneven stone pavers - forget the stilettos.  This painting was a labour of "love", took an extraordinary long time to complete.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Favela, Rio de Janiero, Brazil

Watercolour, Size 38 x 28 cms

Ever since I returned from my wonderful trip through South America I wanted to paint the Favela.  It is an incredible place, the houses and pathways higgeldy piggedly somehow or rather staggering up the steep hill. Yet people are happy and proud of their humble abodes. There is even a "watering hole" and the cheapest beer to be had in Rio.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Combined Art Socities 3 day Workshop with Herman Pekel

Combined Art Societies 3 days Workshop at Merroo 2016
3 days with Herman Pekel.  Herman is a great artist, I love his style be it landscapes or streetscaqpes. He is also an excellent  tutor and I have learned a great deal.  The 3 days are quite demanding, you literally paint till you drop from 9 in the morning till 16.00 and by Sunday the brain simply refuses to cooperate. 
6 paintings in 3 days.  My effort at one of the street scene was pretty awful, so I scraped the paint off and will redo it again at home.  Good practice.  
Herman paints the Melbourne street scenes with such an ease…. and they are absolutely stunning …. Maybe I should stick to landscapes 

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Water Lillies Buds

I implemented Heidi Willis technique on the next designs.  After umpteenth glazes this is the result.

Water lilly

Watercolour.... which demanded lots of patience, glaze upon glaze.... 
I did a workshop with Heidi Willis,  her beautiful true to life flowers are simply stunning & the thought was that this could encourage me to pick up a brush again.  In a way it did.  Now I am trying to use "what I've learnt", her technique in other designs...however this style of painting is extremely time consuming and really not for the impatient me ... however am giving it a go - my attempts will be uploaded sometimes, when I finished the umpteenth glaze.